
Mayor, BDC Release 2014 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Comprehensive economic development strategy will build on the mayor's vision of growing Baltimore's population by supporting job growth, expanding...

Baltimore Development CorporationBDCcomprehensive economic development strategyCEDS

Solutions City Town Hall Addresses Youth Employment

Mayor Rawlings-Blake, Starbucks hold town hall to unite local leaders, stakeholders to unlock opportunities for youth

Solutions Citytown hallStarbucksyouth
IMAGE: Mayor Rawlings-Blake and youth employment partners participate in a Solutions City panel at Starbucks

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Hosts City's First Manufacturing Forum

Baltimore's first Manufacturing Forum explores current industry challenges, examines potential to grow Baltimore.

manufacturingBaltimore Development CorporationBDCWilliam Cole

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Reacts To News Of Santoni's Supermarket Closing

"I'm deeply saddened to learn that Santoni's Supermarket will be closing...

Santoni's Supermarketrecessioneconomysmall business