Mayor Scott Launches Search to Fill Recent School Board Vacancy

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



BALTIMORE, MD. (Tuesday, May 9, 2023) - Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott launched the search to fill one vacancy on the Board of School Commissioners.

"The School Board leads our critical work of ensuring our children have access to an excellent education. There really is no more significant role when it comes to supporting our young people," said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. "I look forward to identifying a new commissioner in the coming weeks and partnering with the School Board to move our public education system forward."

The Board of School Commissioners is responsible for both raising the level of academic achievement of the 78,000 students enrolled in Baltimore City Public Schools, and for improving the management and administration of the public school system. Mayor Scott's appointment of new School Board commissioners is key to realizing his commitment to strengthen the City's partnership with City Schools and prioritize Baltimore's young people by investing in their future.

To be eligible for appointment, candidates must be residents of Baltimore City and at least 18 years of age. Additionally, one or more of the following qualifications is preferred, especially number 1 as we are currently looking to fill a management vacancy on the Board:

  1. Knowledge of and expertise in administering a large business, nonprofit or government entity, and high-level management experience within such an entity
  • Knowledge of and expertise in education
  • Knowledge of, or personal or professional experience in, education of children with disabilities
  • Parent of a child currently enrolled in City Schools

Qualified candidates can apply online at The Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success will review applications and schedule follow up interviews with a community panel that will make recommendations for final mayoral consideration and selection. Mayor Scott will then interviews the recommended candidates and make his appointment decision(s).

Other desired criteria candidates should consider highlighting in their application if/when relevant:

  • Commitment to Equity
  • Courageous leadership (e.g. puts interest of students first; appreciation for public accountability)
  • Collaborative, willingness to embrace diverse perspectives
  • Experience building partnerships and/or community engagement
  • Commitment to and/or knowledge of Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Collaborative, willingness to embrace diverse perspectives
  • Courageous leadership (e.g. puts interest of students first; appreciate for public accountability)
  • Experience with fiscal complexities and organizational oversight
  • Attended Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Has previous board experience and/or board training (student government or leadership associations count)
  • Brings a unique perspective to the school board

The Mayor's Office of Children & Family Success will announce the date and time for the Board of School Commissioners Information Session.

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