Recent News

Mayor Rawlings-Blake to Call for Creation of "Baltimore Compact" During Inaugural Address As National President of U.S. Conference of Mayors

Address will call on America’s mayors to make their voices heard in the upcoming 2016 national election on issues involving community policing and jobs.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Issues Statement Regarding Governor Hogan's Announced Cancer Diagnosis

I was saddened to learn of Governor Hogan’s cancer diagnosis this afternoon.  This is a moment for all of us to stand together in unity and prayer behind our Governor. I got to work very closely with Governor Hogan during the recent unrest, and we all know that if there is anybody tough enough to beat cancer, it is Governor Hogan.  

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Baltimore is Selected to Participate in National Program to Increase Employment Opportunities for Homeless

The Journey Home, Baltimore’s plan to end homelessness, awarded funding to expand efforts to assist City’s homeless population

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces the Release of Smarter City Task Force Report

Report identifies actions to enhance broadband assets through public-private engagement and coordination

Celebrating Our Dads

On Sunday, families across Baltimore will celebrate our dads: the hardworking and supportive men who are often the first ones up in the morning and the last ones to go to bed at night.

Top Dad Michael Battle
