Robert Summers
Robert Summers is the former Maryland Secretary of the Environment. He retired in January, 2015 after 32 years of State service. During his career, he led the Department of the Environment’s programs, scientific, technical and administrative staff responsible for environmental planning, regulation and pollution control to protect Maryland’s air, water and land, with special emphasis on restoration of Chesapeake Bay and other water-related issues. He represented the Department before the State legislature for many years and played a significant role in development and implementation of the State’s environmental legislation and regulations between 1997 and 2015.
Dr. Summers is currently a Principal with the EcoLogix Group, Inc., an environmental consulting firm headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, specializing in providing expert environmental advice to businesses, government agencies and communities. Dr. Summers serves on the Board of Directors for Blue Water Baltimore, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protection and restoration of the waterways and watersheds of the Baltimore Metropolitan region. He is also a lecturer with the Johns Hopkins University Engineering Program for Professionals, teaching a course on estuarine and coastal science and management.