Housing and Community Development Inclusionary Housing Board


Board Information

Name Housing and Community Development Inclusionary Housing Board
Function The Board is responsible for: (1) reviewing requests for modifications or waivers under § 2B-21 {“Project receiving major public subsidy”}, § 2B-22 {“ Project benefitting from significant land use authorization or rezoning”}, and § 2B-23 {“Other projects – 30 or more units”} and advising the Housing Commissioner within 20 days of referral by the Commissioner, in a manner determined by the Board; and (2) advising the Housing Commissioner and the Planning Director in the performance of their respective duties under this subtitle.
City Council Approval Yes
Legal Authority Baltimore City Code Article 14 § 2B-11
Liason/Executive Director Name Stacy Freed
Liason/Executive Director Phone 410-396-3238
Liason/Executive Director Email Stacy.Freed@baltimorecity.gov



Membership information forthcoming.