Mayor Scott, Baltimore Police Release Statements Condemning Recent Antisemitic Incidents

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



BALTIMORE, MD (Thursday, June 27, 2024) – Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott and the Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley released the following statements condemning recent antisemitic incidents that occurred in Baltimore City. 

Mayor Brandon M. Scott said:

“These recent incidents are a horrifying display of hate and simply will not be tolerated in the City of Baltimore. Our Baltimore Jewish community has endured violence, vandalism, and other acts of hate that only seek to intimidate and threaten. To those individuals who are responsible, we only have one message: these antisemitic acts are despicable, and you will be held accountable. We stand with those victims who have endured these acts and with the broader Jewish community who are deeply impacted by the concerning rise in these types of incidents. I have confidence that through BPD’s investigations, the perpetrators will be found and held responsible for their hateful actions.”

Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said:

“Our Department has witnessed an alarming increase of hate crimes towards our Jewish community, to include antisemitism speech, vandalism, intimidation and even violence. We will not tolerate any form of hate, towards any community or any person in our city. I remain resolute that the BPD will investigate all acts of hate, intimidation or violence towards anyone or any community. Any individual found to be responsible will and must be held accountable, and we will work with our local, state and federal partners to pursue justice to the fullest extent of the law for these incidents.

"We know that hate crimes have a larger impact than just a singular offense, and its impact is felt by not only the victim(s), but also by their loved-ones and community. BPD will continue to support the victims and stand with communities against hate and harassment in all forms, towards anyone.”

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