Mayor Scott Celebrates Success Academy as Quarter 3 Winner of Mayor's Attendance Challenge

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



Success Academy Increased Daily Attendance By 12.1%, The Largest Increase in the District for Q3

Mayor Brandon M. Scott holding a trophy at a podium.

BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, April 22, 2024) – Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott, alongside Baltimore City Public Schools CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises, announced Success Academy as the Quarter 3 winner of the Mayor’s Attendance Challenge.

The Mayor’s Attendance Challenge is an initiative to promote daily attendance in Baltimore City Public Schools. Mayor Scott is challenging every student to be on time, every day, to school. Every quarter, the Mayor recognizes schools making the most progress in improving attendance year-to-year.

For the third quarter, Success Academy increased their daily attendance by 12.1%, the largest in the district.

“Attendance is one of the most important factors in a young person’s education, with consistent attendance having a direct impact on academic performance, social emotional development, and future life outcomes,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “But we also know that attendance can be a challenge for students and families, and we are working everyday to support them in reaching this goal. I am so proud to join Success Academy to recognize their progress, but we won’t allow this to be the end. There is still so much more work to be done, and these young scholars are working every day to reach their full potential.”

“I want to thank Mayor Scott for his commitment to our young people and to our schools,” said Dr. Sonja Santelises. “The Mayor’s Attendance Challenge is a great way to highlight both the challenge and the progress being made in daily attendance in City Schools. We have more work to do, but we are glad that the Mayor is joining us in highlighting the growth being made at Success Academy, and at schools across the district.”

At the event, the Mayor and Dr. Santelises awarded the Mayor’s Attendance Cup to Principal James Sargent, as well as a certificate of recognition.

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