Mayor's Office Winter Storm Morning Update

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



BALTIMORE, MD (Tuesday, January 16, 2024) – Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott issued the following morning update regarding the winter storm that has caused significant snow accumulation, icy conditions, and freezing temperatures across Baltimore. 

Ongoing Inclement Weather

The latest forecasts from the National Weather Service (NWS) show that the light snow and sleet are expected in Baltimore until at least 11:00 a.m. 

This may continue to cause icy conditions on roadways across the city, and Baltimore City Department of Transportation crews continue to plow and treat roads. They will continue to re-treat and re-plow, as needed, throughout the morning. 

Icy conditions and side-streets that still need to be addressed can be called-in to 3-1-1 or submitted to the 3-1-1 app.

Schools Closed, Certain Rec Centers Opening As Warming Stations for Students

Early this morning, Baltimore City Public Schools officially closed schools for the day

As a result, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) is working to open a number of Rec Centers across the city to serve as warming stations and activity centers for students.

Beginning at 11:00 a.m., the following Rec Centers will be open:

  • Middle Branch Fitness and Wellness Center
    201 Reedbird Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225
  • Cahill Fitness and Wellness Center
    4001 Clifton Ave, Baltimore, MD 21216
  • CC Jackson Recreation Center
    4910 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215
  • Rita Church Community Center
    2101 St Lo Drive, Baltimore, MD 21213

Overnight Deployment & Road Treatment

Overnight, up to 400 vehicles and hundreds of personnel worked tirelessly to plow and treat roads, address hundreds of service requests, and ensure Baltimoreans are safe throughout the city. Major thoroughfares have been cleared and crews are continuing to address side streets around the city. 

Main streets, school zones, and emergency routes to hospitals took priority and were among the first areas to be plowed and salted. Since last night, all primary and secondary zones have received treatment.

Full deployment of road treatment personnel will be maintained throughout the day to address the potential for re-freeze, ongoing icy conditions, and side streets that still need to be addressed. Currently, more than 200 vehicles remain out in the city.

Icy conditions and side-streets that still need to be addressed can be called-in to 3-1-1 or submitted to the 3-1-1 app. 


  • Drive slow and stay home if possible
  • Street sweeping is not in effect
  • Do not park in emergency snow zones
  • Do not crowd the plow
  • Shovel and salt the areas outside of your home and business
  • Check on elderly or sick neighbors
  • Stay tuned to the DOT social media for tips and tricks for the weather 

DPW Trash & Recycling Service Still On

Department of Public Works crews will maintain normally scheduled Trash and Recycling Pick-up Service today, although crews may be delayed past normal pickup time due to the conditions. 

If you are scheduled for pick-up today, please keep bins out and clear sidewalks and walkways under your responsibility to assist crews in safely conducting pick-ups.

Code Blue Declaration

Yesterday, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) officially announced a Code Blue Extreme Cold Declaration, effective until Thursday, January 18, 2023.

Please take the necessary precautions, stay indoors whenever possible, and check on vulnerable neighbors and loved ones.

More information on Code Blue Declarations can be found here: 

The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) has activated emergency shelter for residents who need assistance. If you are in need of shelter, call the Winter Shelter Hotline at 410-305-7132. For additional Winter Shelter info, visit: 

Warming centers for those experiencing homelessness:

  • My Sister’s Place Women’s Center (for women and children only)
    • 17 W Franklin Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
    • 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Beans & Bread
    • 402 S Bond St, Baltimore, MD 21231
    • 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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