Mayor Scott Hosts 2023 Annual Citywide Fall Cleanup and Day of Service
Saturday Oct 21st, 2023
BALTIMORE, MD (Saturday, October 21, 2023) — Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott, City officials, volunteers, and community members participated in the Mayor’s Annual Citywide Fall Cleanup and Day of Service. Groups spread throughout various Baltimore City neighborhoods to clean alleyways, walkways, remove bulk trash, and clear overgrown foliage.
In total, volunteers and community associations from 65 neighborhoods participated in the cleanup efforts.
“Thank you to all of the city employees, elected officials, community associations, and residents who volunteered today to make our neighborhoods healthier and cleaner,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “These biannual cleanups and days of service don’t only remove unwanted debris and beautify our neighborhoods – they also help us build community connections and pride in our city. Baltimore is one of the most beautiful cities in the country, and days like this one help us ensure that beauty can shine through.”
Residents are encouraged to keep the spirit of the citywide day of service going by cleaning up loose litter around their properties, alleyways, and curbsides. For bulk trash removal and other concerns, please call 311.
The Mayor’s Fall Cleanup Kickoff can be viewed here.
Photos from today’s cleanup can be found here.