Mayor Scott Launches Website to Track the Progress of City Services Sprint

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



Residents can track the progress of the Scott Administration's efforts to fill potholes, resurface roads, remove graffiti, and target illegal dumping hotspots

BALTIMORE, MD. (Thursday, May 18, 2023) - Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott launched a new website for residents to track the progress of the #BuildBetterBMore city services sprint. Since launching the city services sprint in April, the Department of Transportation (DOT) crews repaired more than 9,000 potholes and resurfaced over four lane-miles. The Department of Public of Public Works (DPW) removed more than 500 graffiti markings, and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) investigated over 1,000 illegal dumping cases.

With robust assistance from residents' participation in calling in 311 to request pothole repairs, DOT was able to surpass their initially 9,000 benchmark within the first 30-days. Encouraged by proactive community involvement, the DOT has doubled deployment crews to meet the demand and increased the citywide target pothole repairs to an ambitious total of 19,000 for the Mayor's 90-day blitz.

"My Administration has made record progress over the past month, exceeding our goal by filling more than 9,000 potholes in under 30 days. We continue to work hard to remove graffiti, resurface roads and target illegal dumping hot spots," said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. "Together, with communities across Baltimore we will build a city that we can believe in - a city that is clean, beautiful, and vibrant."

The new data StoryMap site is the latest effort by Baltimore's Chief Administrative Officer Faith Leach to utilize innovative data tools to drive decision-making and make improvements to city services.

"We are leveraging data and analytics to improve our processes and drive impact," said City Administrator Officer Faith Leach. "The new site will allow our residents to track our progress using GIS mapping tools, including progress in their own communities. We want residents to continue to submit their service requests through 311 as we work together to #BuildBetterBMore."

Residents can access the #BuildBetterBmore sprint data StoryMap site at: Mayor Scott's #BuildBetterBmore Blitz (

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