Mayor Scott's Statement on Baltimore's 300th Homicide of 2022

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



BALTIMORE, MD. (Wednesday, November 23, 2022) - Mayor Brandon M. Scott released the following statement in response Baltimore's 300th homicide of 2022.

"I have long said that my main priority as Mayor is to strengthen public safety and create a Baltimore where people can walk to or from school or sit with family or friends on their front porch or in a parked car without fear of being caught in the crossfire of a hail of bullets. The flow of illegal guns into our city from beyond our borders continues to serve as a catalyst for violence in our streets. I remain committed to cross jurisdictional partnerships that seek to eliminate the source and supply chains that proliferate the disease of violence in our communities.

The reality is that any homicide is one too many and I will continue to stress that this problem is so much more than what I or the Baltimore Police Department can do. We need stricter gun laws that keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of individuals who are reckless and irresponsible. We need a justice system that will hold those who commit these acts accountable and see that they serve time for what they've done. We need community members to work together to support young people and help them see there are other ways to resolve conflict other than violence.

For each and every victim of violence there are loved ones whose lives are forever changed. My heart aches for them all and I will continue to work with local, state and federal leaders to see that Baltimore and its people know that we are doing everything possible to create the safe and welcoming communities that we all deserve."

Mayor Brandon M. Scott

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