City Solicitor to Convene Inspector General Advisory Board in July

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



BALTIMORE, MD (Tuesday, June 22, 2021) — City Solicitor Jim Shea has assembled an advisory board to provide the City Inspector General with a performance review, pursuant to Article X of the Baltimore City Charter.

The Advisory Board is responsible for appointing the Inspector General, conducting an annual performance review, and for reviewing, revising, and approving the Office of the Inspector General’s budget.

Per the City Charter, the City Solicitor is designated as the chair of the Advisory Board. The membership is set forth in the Charter and includes, in addition to Shea, one designee of the Mayor, two designees of the City Council President, one designee of the Comptroller, and the deans of the University of Maryland and University of Baltimore law schools, who are jointly appointed by the Mayor and Council President. 

Inaugural membership of the Inspector General Advisory Board is as follows: 

  • Michael Huber, Mayor’s Chief of Staff (Mayor’s designee)
  • City Council Vice President Sharon Middleton (Council President’s designee)
  • Councilman Eric Costello (Council President’s designee)
  • Deputy Comptroller Erika McClammy (Comptroller’s designee)
  • Dean Donald Tobin, University of Maryland School of Law 
  • Dean Ronald Weich, University of Baltimore School of Law

The Inspector General Advisory Board is charged with meeting annually to conduct the review. It will begin with an organizational meeting that will be held virtually on July 13 at 11 a.m. Meeting details will be available on the Baltimore City Boards and Commissions website

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