Recent News

Mayor Calls on Governor for Improved Coordination on Vaccine Distribution

Mayor Brandon M. Scott issued a statement on challenges with coordination at the State level, impacting Baltimore’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy.


Mayor Scott Partners with E-Waste Recycler PCs for People to Help Close Digital Divide

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and the Baltimore City Office of Information and Technology (BCIT) joined forces with PCs for People to coordinate an effort to collect and donate more than 900 computers and other equipment to low-income students and families in Baltimore City.


Mayor Scott's Statement on Baltimore City's COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy

Mayor Brandon M. Scott released a statement on Baltimore’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy and news that the Biden administration plans to boost the weekly supply of vaccines to states.


Mayor Scott Announces Expansion of Emergency Homeless Services Amid Winter Season

Mayor Brandon M. Scott, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS), and Baltimore City Recreation and Parks announced a partnership to immediately increase access to emergency services for people experiencing homelessness by converting two recreation centers into winter emergency shelters.


Mayor Scott, Police Commissioner Announce Refocused Microzone Strategy

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced a change in strategy concerning microzones, the geographies where public safety resources are focused and deployed.


Online Registration Now Open for YouthWorks 2021 Summer Jobs Program

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced that YouthWorks, Baltimore City’s summer jobs program for young people, has opened online registration for the 2021 summer session.


Mayor Scott Announces Plan to Revamp DPW Meter Shop

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced that the City of Baltimore will retain Water Meter Shop operations and staff as part of the Department of Public Works (DPW) while implementing a plan to overhaul Meter Shop operations for a better-functioning water system.


Mayor Scott Announces New Vaccination Site at BCCC

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Health Commissioner Letitia Dzirasa announced plans for a new, centrally-located vaccination site and provided an update on plans for a coherent, collaborative and equitable approach to scaling up vaccination in Baltimore City.


Based on Public Health Data, Mayor Scott Eases COVID-19 Restrictions

On January 20, 2021 Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced that the City will modify its COVID-19 mandates in accordance with sustained improvements in key public health indicators and in consultation with the Health Commissioner and hospital partners. 

Mayor Brandon M. Scott's Statement on the Passing of Dante Barksdale

Mayor Brandon M. Scott issued a statement on the death of Dante Barksdale, who passed away Sunday morning.

