Today, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts, and community leaders committed to reducing crime in Baltimore City to release the strategic plan for the Baltimore Police Department.
Today, Mayor Rawlings-Blake joined members of her Administration and Results for America representatives to release a new study highlighting Baltimore as one of the nation’s best cities in driving better results for residents through the use of data and evidence.
Today, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake designated this week, the week of October 28 through November 1, as Supplier Diversity and Inclusion Week in Baltimore.
Baltimore has thrived during tough economic times while many other cities throughout the nation have fallen short—thanks to tough decisions that keep the City moving forward.
Joined by DPW Director, Alfred H. Foxx, Mike Levy from the American Chemistry Council, and community association leaders, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced the winners of the second Clean Community Competition.